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South Korean legislation prohibits workplace bullying: requiring employees to run errands and make coffee and be fined for late dinner is workplace bullying!

Date:2019-07-17 Hits:1657

(CCTV Financial and Economic Report of China) According to Korean media reports, a major content of South Korea is the amendment of the Labor Standard Law, which prohibits bullying in the workplace. That is, the Law on Prohibiting bullying in the workplace came into force on the 16th.

According to reports, the "Law on Prohibiting Workplace Bullying" expressly stipulates that employers or employees use their position or relationship within the company to give other employees physical, mental and emotional pain, or to lead to deterioration of the working environment is bullying.

The report said that in addition to the office and workplace, similar acts in social software, business trips, dining places and private meetings would also be considered bullying. When a company encounters bullying or witnesses someone being bullied, anyone can declare to the company personnel department and so on. After the company receives the declaration, it needs to investigate immediately to confirm the facts.

A South Korean hospital has sparked controversy by forcing nurses to dance in exposed clothes.

When a company encounters bullying or witnesses someone being bullied, anyone can declare to the company personnel department and so on. After the company receives the declaration, it needs to investigate immediately to confirm the facts.

The regulation emphasizes that the company shall not impose penalties against the applicant and the victim, such as dismissal. Violation of this regulation will result in imprisonment of not more than three years or a fine of not more than 30 million won (about 175,000 yuan).

After the implementation of the new law, senior managers and ordinary employees of Korean enterprises have mixed praises and criticisms.

Senior managers believe that because the definition of "physical and mental pain" is subjective, there is room for malicious use. The head of a group subsidiary said that the standard of the law was vague, which could lead to obstruction of speech and no dinner.

By contrast, junior staff expect new regulations. An ordinary employee of a large enterprise said that it was expected that after the implementation of the bill, there would be an atmosphere of mutual respect in the workplace. In particular, some industries with serious bullying are full of expectations for the new law. A survey of 7 275 members conducted by the Korean Nurses Association last year showed that 40.9% of respondents answered "bullied in the workplace in the past year".

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