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Scientists have succeeded in resurrecting dead pig brain cells, which is just a hypocritical proposition that exaggerates propaganda.

Date:2019-04-19 Hits:1356

Recently, Nature, a foreign media, published a heavy message on the Internet that restored the circulation of the brain in the pig brain that had died for several hours, so that "let the brain come back to life" quickly appeared in various media interfaces. Hundreds of years ago, some people tried to revive the death of the brain. All the tests failed. Is this the most impossible technical problem to be broken, because modern medicine proves brain death. Death is irreversible. Obviously, this paper report is not as propaganda in the media. It is stated in the original article that perfusion can delay the time of brain tissue death, stop the cell death caused by ischemia or hypoxia, and restore some brain tissue functions.

In the past, scholars believed that the brain would cause irreversible brain cell damage if it lost blood oxygen for only a few minutes. In 2016, Sestan of Yale University found a large number of active cells in some brain tissue specimens, and even some neuroelectric activities. This made Sestan want to try to restore some functions in brain tissue that has been defined as brain death. Sestan specially developed a set of names for this purpose. For BrainEx's in vitro perfusion system, a simulated brain blood perfusion system is used to observe signs of changes in dead brain tissue.

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Sestan obtained many complete pig brains from food processing plants in the United States that*died*for less than four hours. The BrainEx perfusion system simulated blood oxygen supply for 32 pig brains for six hours without interruption. Researchers observed that some brain cells returned to normal shape, but no higher-order neuroelectric signals related to consciousness appeared, but the results were enough to cause the disease. Shocked,

     However, the results of this paper only show that perfusion technology can restore part of the cell function of pig brain, and it has nothing to do with the so-called "let the brain come back to life", and Sestan has not discussed the topic of "Reviving the dead". The paper only proves that the time of brain tissue survival after death is longer than that, and it can be restored by certain technical means. Part of the cell function, this discovery can help patients with brain nerve damage recover better.

     As for what restores consciousness, it is only the exaggerated propaganda of the media. Obviously, people think that if brain death can be awakened or even cured, it will be a technology for human immortality, but human pursuit of immortality may pay irreparable consequences. This is also one of the reasons why scientists believe that there will be no higher life in the universe. The more advanced science and technology is, the more carbon-based structures like human beings are. The weaknesses will become more and more obvious, so it is possible for higher life to abandon most of the ontology and only retain the brain and consciousness. Is this higher civilization "evolved" or self-extinct?

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